
Unlike most photographers who shoot artworks in a “cookie cutter” approach, we pride ourselves in representing the artist’s work with new and creative styles. This technique has garnered unprecedented results for the artist in taking them and their career to the next level.  Jordan Fink Photography has assisted artists with zapplication for art festivals and galleries.

Unlike most photographers, we invite the artist to participate in the shooting of their work, simply because, we want them to get the best possible representation for their talent and their masterpieces. There are no surprises or disappointments for the artist.  They know exactly what they are going to get because their input is always a paramount part of our service.

For artists that can not attend the studio session, we email them with samples of the photography so that they can determine what best suits their needs. Once they agree on a particular style, we shoot the artwork in that genre. This gives them total control and confidence in the finished result.

Jordan Fink Photography captures art festivals, gallery debuts or art for marketing brochures to entice your customer.